Please can a message believer take communion in a denominational Church, since they have it in the morning
Monday, 22 January 2024
I believe this generation will see the coming of the Lord Jesus. If this generation doesn’t do it,
60-0303 - Former And Latter RainParagraph 18
Rev. William Marrion Branham .Pastor please throw light on what prophet meant by that generation will see the coming of the Lord
God bless you.
Saturday, 20 January 2024
What the prophet said about that generation seeing the coming of the Lord was fulfilled three years after he said that.
Unfortunately, many Message believers think of the coming of the Lord the same way denominations think about the coming of the Lord. Many denominational believers put the second coming of the Lord in the future. But to a real genuine Message believer, the second coming of the Lord has already happened. We are only waiting for our body change.
The prophet said, at the coming of the Lord, the seventh angel must be on earth. So the Lord came when the seventh angel was on earth.
Consider the following quote:
74-2 {40} Now, you see, I'm just not making that up. That's what...It's THUS SAITH THE LORD. I'll read it to you out of the Book: the sounding of the seventh angel's message, the mystery of God should ne finished that's been declared by His holy prophets. That's the prophets who has wrote the Word. The sounding of the seventh church Age, The last Church Age, all the loose ends that through these church ages have been probed at, will be wound up together. And when the Seals are broke, and the mystery is revealed, down comes the Angel, the Messenger, Christ, setting His foot upon the land and upon the sea with a rainbow over His head. Now remember, this seventh angel is on earth at the time of this coming.
The above quote is the fulfilment of Revelation 10: 1-7. There are two angels mentioned in Revelation 10:1-7. The first Angel (in verse one) is Christ. The second angel (in verse 7) is the angel to the laodicean church age, who is the prophet of Malachi 4. The coming of the Lord was in 1963 when the seventh angel was still on earth according to the quote in the BREACH.
Many Message believers are confused about the seventh seal and the seven thunders. If you were in church last Wednesday, it would have been made clearer to you. I explained that quite well.
We know that the seventh seal is recorded in Revelation 8:1 where there was 30 minutes silence. But God's prophet said, the seventh seal is also Revelation 10:1-7.
In other words, the content of Revelation 8:1 of silence is what has been written in Revelation 10: 1-7.
In Revelation 10:1-7, God had come down ( the coming of the Lord). That is why the angels quit worshipping in Revelation 8:1. There was no God in heaven to worship. He had descended.
Consider the following quote:
Revelation chapter 5 part 2 - 1961 paragraph 207:
The Seven and last one of these seals, when they're opened, is found in Revelations the 10th chapter: there was a mighty Angel (which was Christ) came down and put one foot on the land and one on the sea, and raised up His hand, and says, "the day is finished. Time is run out. It's all over. Time shall be no more."... we're right in that front yard of it right now. See? The last one of them is Revelations 10. Foot on land and on sea ; time had run out; redemption is over; now He comes in as the Lion. He was a Lamb then; now He comes in as Lion of the tribe of Judah.
Saturday, 20 January 2024
Good morning Pastor. Please if a church is not growing, what does it mean. The prophet spoke about it this morning and I remember you said we are not doing enough to win souls. Please my other question is that do pastors have favorite people in the church? God bless you, sir.
Saturday, 20 January 2024
A church can be said to grow both spiritually and in numbers.
When a church is growing spiritually, you are able to tell by the attitude of its members and the souls they are able to win. When individuals in the church are filled with the Holy Spirit, they have a strong desire in their hearts to win souls for God and want to be in all services and programmes of the church. They never want to miss any church service. They punctuate every Word of God with an AMEN, just as the prophet said. Such people are Holy-Spirit filled people.
People who are filled with the Holy Spirit again, are so much filled with the love of God in so much so that they want things that are done for the Lord to be done better than anything they can think of. They go all out to do things for God even without being told and don't do it for a show or recognition.
When such people are in a church, they help in the growth of the church by their behaviours and attitudes.
Many church members in Prampram are not able to win souls for the Lord because they are not living the lives of Christ themselves. As the prophet said, our lives will either bring people in or send them out. Some of the people are also shy to testify of the Message they have believed. The Lord said that on that day, He would also be shy of such people.
In the prophet's Message today, he was saying that maybe some of the ministers are not giving their members the right prescription but I thank God I am preaching exactly what the prophet preached and don't add or take away from It and I know the church can testify of that. He again said when a church is not growing, it could be attributed to some church members living in sin. Of course, they will be held responsible at the day of judgement.
Some of the people are just the way they are because the spirit in Prampram is a stubborn spirit. The devil is trying hard to make it difficult for the Message to impact the lives of the people, but we will continue praying for the Lord to have His way in His church.
A brother had a dream that he shared with me, and in the dream, the prophet was being buffeted by demons in Prampram. Prampram is a strong place but not stronger than our Lord. We have already overcome them and have come this far by faith and the help of the Lord. I know people who have tried starting churches in Prampram and ended up leaving, but thank God Mount Sunset Country Church has come to stay. This ministry is being led by the Lord Himself, and every move we make is inspired by the Lord. If a man had been leading this church, we wouldn't have been here today. It has been the leadership of the Holy Spirit.
The prophet said in one of the quotes that, when God sends a man, He equips him for His work.
It's my prayer and desire that every member in Mount Sunset Country Church will be filled with the Holy Spirit. That way, the desire to win souls will be great, and God's work will be done unhindered. You can also help win souls by sharing the Message with your neighbours.
On the response to whether Pastors have favorites. I can't tell for all pastors, but I don't have favourites. I wasn't born like that. I love everyone just the same and treat everyone in the church just the way the Lord would treat them. But I should say that people win my heart when I see that they love the Lord above everything else and they wouldn't exchange this Message for anything. The contrary is true for people who are stubborn and are not concerned about the things of the LORD.
I want the best for everyone and try my best to make that happen. However, there are people who are proud and don't want to take instructions or corrections from the pastor. When I realise someone is like that, I don't worry myself over that person. Remember, the prophet said there are three kinds of believers in every Assembly.
The Lord has made me a father over His flock, and that's what I am doing to the best of my knowledge. I treat everyone in the church the same way I treat my children and nieces because you are all my children. I don't have favourites at all. If you must be commended, I will do that, and if you must be rebuked, I will do that. I know my nieces and some of you brethren will attest to that.
A father who loves his children will rebuke them when they are wrong and commend them when they are right, and that's what I have done to the best of my knowledge.
May God help me to continue staying that way and never discriminate amongst His children.
Saturday, 20 January 2024
Good morning, and God bless you, Pastor . Please, a follow-up question.
From the answer given, does it mean that this world will burn, which was started as the war of Armageddon before the general resurrection.
Thursday, 18 January 2024
Yes, it means exactly that! The world will burn with fervent heat.
Malachi 4:1 says the world will burn as an oven. But before that happens, we have a promise in Malachi 4:5 of a promised Elijah to forerun the second coming of the LORD. That's why it says before the GREAT AND DREADFUL DAY of the LORD (the burning), He will send Elijah. Elijah is now history, so the burning is very close.
Bro. Branham said it's the nuclear bombs that will melt the earth. Man always destroys himself.
The general resurrection is the last of all the events that are yet to happen. At the general resurrection, there's the white throne judgement where people will be condenmed to the lake of fire and others saved to the city of God.
Revisit how I arranged the order of occurrence of the events, and it will be made clearer to you
Thursday, 18 January 2024
Pastor, please, are we in the millennium?
Thursday, 18 January 2024
No, we are not in the Millennium now. We haven't even gone into the rapture, let alone to be in the Millennium.
After the rapture, there will be the great tribulation, the salvation of 144,000 Jews, and the marriage supper of the Lamb.
After that, there will be the war of Armageddon. The world will burn and be renovated for the millennium.
These are the things we must look for during the Millennium:
(1) There will be no death for a thousand years.
(2) Satan will be bound so there will be no sorrow, no tears, no sicknesses, no accidents, no crime, etc. etc. etc.
(3) The lion will lie down with the lamb, and there will be absolute peace.
(4) Our Lord Jesus Christ will be seen physically among the Bride in the millennium
Thursday, 18 January 2024
Pastor Idun: A Question From A Sister