Contending for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints
Jude 1:3
But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.
Revelation 10:7
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever.
Hebrews 13:8
Contending for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints
Jude 1:3
And the LORD went before them by day in a Pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a Pillar of Fire, to give them light; to go by day and night
Exodus 13:21
Anonymous: A Question From A Brother

1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
John 14:1

2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
John 14:2

3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
John 14:3

4 And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.
John 14:4

My questions pastor.
1. A mansion is bigger than a house, which house our Lord going to prepare.
2.where is our Lord now? He said where He is there we may be also.

God bless you pastor.

Wednesday, 17 January 2024
Pastor Idun: A Question From A Brother

For question one, the house as spoken of in John 14:1-3 is not the house as we have in Ghana.

In the Jewish tradition and in some African tradition, a father's household (or house) depicts his domain. It depicts everything he has control over. So it is more like a kingdom and not a physical house.

Brother Branham addresses this in the following quote:


E-37 And when a--a child was born into a family...If you'll notice in the Bible, back in the early translators in King James time, King James version, John 14 sounds very strange, doesn't it? "In My Father's house is many mansions."

Mansions in a house? How much bigger is the mansion than a house? Sounds strange. I believe it was Moffatt or one of the other modern translators, who made it more ridiculous than ever, said, "In my father's apartment house is many apartments." Now that doesn't sound like God, you're going up there to rent an apartment from Him.

Now, that's wrong. But if you'll go back to the original, it says, "In My Father's Kingdom is many places." Now, the reason King James put it like that, the translators, in the Old Testament and also in the early ages, a man who owned a great portion of a country, it was called his house, his household. He had servants over here, and servants over there, and servants down there.

In Africa and many parts of the country, you still find this law. And He was called the Father of over all of this group of servants and grounds, and like Abraham.

To the second question, our LORD is still preparing a place for us. Verse 3 of John 14 says that when He's done preparing a place for us, He will come and take us to Himself so that where He is, we must be also. So, as long as we haven't gone into the rapture yet, He's still preparing a place for us.

There are many events that will follow the rapture of the Bride:

* After the rapture, there will be the marriage supper of the Lamb between the Bride and her LORD. It's the same period that will witness the great tribulation for those who will miss the rapture. That same period will witness the ministries of Elijah and Moses, opening the understanding of 144,000 Jews. This period will last for three and half years.

* After that, there will be the war of Armageddon. The world will burn and be renovated for a thousand years of millennial reign. This is when Satan will be bound by a chain of circumstance.

* After the Millennium, Satan will be released, and there will be the war of Gog and Magog.

* After the war of Gog and Magog, there will be a general resurrection (the second resurrection) for the White Throne Judgement.

* At the White Throne Judgement, where the Bride and her Bridegroom will sit in judgement, the foolish virgins and others will be pronounced righteous because they stood for the Lord during the great tribulation and will enter the city (heaven) that has been prepared for the Bride. At this White Throne Judgement, sinners and the ungodly will be sent to the lake of fire that has been prepared for the Devil and his angels.

Wednesday, 17 January 2024
Anonymous: A Question From A Brother

Please a follow-up question. I want to know the difference between a minister and pastor. Please, are they the same?

Tuesday, 16 January 2024
Pastor Idun: A Question From A Brother

A pastor is a minister because he ministers, but a minister is not necessarily a pastor.

A pastor is a shepherd of God's flock. He is the overseer of a local church. He is the final authority, humanly speaking, in a local assembly.

Apart from the pastor of a church, there are others whose duty is to preach, though they are not overseers of a church. They are ordained as ministers. Since the pastor also preaches, he is also called a minister. In effect, every pastor is a minister, but not every minister is a pastor.

Tuesday, 16 January 2024
Anonymous: A Question From A Brother

God bless you, Pastor.

May I kindly know if there can be more than one associate pastor in a local assembly or if it has to be only one associate pastor.

I also want to kindly know when an associate pastor can start working as an associate pastor?

Please, is Brother Gabriel an associate pastor of the church?

Thank you, sir.

Tuesday, 16 January 2024
Pastor Idun: A Question From A Brother

Yes, a local assembly can have more than one associate pastor. If the Lord is to tarry, we will have more than one associate pastor in the church to help build the kingdom of God.

An associate pastor must be someone who is mature in the things of God and His WORD, and also show maturity in everything he does. He must also be very dependable, supportive of the ministry, and prayerful.

He must be well vexed in the things of God and in the Message of the Hour, and he must also be able to have the support of his wife to enable him work effectively in assisting the Pastor.

Brother Branham said when God calls a man, He calls his wife as well.

This can be found in a quote essing All Things, preached in 1962. The prophet said, " And right here, we could start. I believe that when God calls a man to service, if he's a married man and has a help mate, He calls his wife with him because they two are one."

The above quote applies to all offices of the church for the effective running of God's church.

An associate pastor can start working effectively after he has met the above requirement and has been ordained as an associate pastor of the church.

Brother Gabriel is in the process of becoming an ordained associate pastor of the church. He is still under training and will be ordained as an associate pastor when the time is right, as the Lord leads.

For now, brother Gabriel is a deacon and youth minister, and also acting as an associate pastor and a treasurer. His work is indeed loaded, but It's my prayer that the Lord will bless the church with people who will be willing and dedicated to serve in various capacities and positions in the church. Always remember the church in prayer.

I will send you some quotes to support some of these  explanations.


In a Message Water Baptism, preached in 1956 para 19, the prophet said, " Is Brother Collins here? Or, brother, or..... Let him come forward if he will, here for this service, if... He is one of our associate pastors here, of the church, and we would like to have him here with prayer, with us, if possible."

In the above quote, you would realise the prophet had two associate pastors in his church, brother Neville and brother Collins.


In another Message, Show Us The Father And It Will Suffice Us, preached in 1959, the prophet prayed in another church, and I quote, "And we pray that You'll bless us as we travel on. Bless these services that's coming up, the pastor of this church, our Brother McPherson and his wife, *and all the associate pastors.*"

You will also realise from the above quote that the church had associate pastors .

Tuesday, 16 January 2024
Anonymous: A Question From A Sister

God bless you pastor, please I have a question.

Please is it right or okay for a brother who is in a particular ministry compliment on the physical features or shape of a lady who is outside this message jokingly especially when that fellow isn’t married to that lady?

 God richly bless you .

Saturday, 13 January 2024
Pastor Idun: A Question From A Sister

It's absolutely wrong for a brother to be complimenting the shape of a lady, whether that lady is in his church or not, or whether the brother was just joking or not joking.

What will make a brother look at a sister and begin to admire her shape?

It is lustful to do that! That's carnal! If a brother compliments the shape of a lady who is not his wife, it leaves much to be desired.

He needs to repent and tell the Lord to help him keep his focus on Him and not on the shape or physical features of a lady.

Saturday, 13 January 2024
Anonymous: A Question From A Brother

Please Pastor, concerning the stature of a perfect Man , are we in Brotherly Kindness or the age of Love

Saturday, 13 January 2024
Pastor Idun: A Question From A Brother

We are in the time of CHARITY the Capstone.

Brother Branham said every time God sent a messenger to a church age, they came at the end of that church age. So each messenger's church age crossed over into the next church age before God laid them to sleep.

So Brother Branham came at the end of the brotherly kindness age to take the Bride into the Headstone age.

In 1962, he preached a message called ONENESS and this is what he said, "Now, the coming of the Lord Jesus is so imminent, the coming of judgement, He's calling His elected together in oneness with Himself, with the same kind of ministry He had. You know how I shaped in the church ages here not long ago, about the--the big tower that was built, called the pyramid, but the Headstone was never put on it. Remember how the Lutherans came, then the Wesleys in the minority, and then down to Pentecost. And now what He's doing, calling from that. What did He do? He called out the elect to make the Lutheran; He called out the elect out of the Lutheran to make the Wesleyan; He called out the elect out of that to make the Pentecostals; now He's calling the elect Pentecostals out to make the Headstone to come into it, the very same kind of a ministry dropping right in on it, calling His children from all denominations and all walks of life."

Saturday, 13 January 2024
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