I will like to thank the Lord for healing me completely during the just-ended “Who Art Thou O Mountain,” which was on the 1st & 2nd September, 2017.
In growing up, I have been having a normal menstrual flow till early this year I started experiencing growth and movements in my stomach. There was pain in my stomach that prevented me from lying on my stomach so I informed my doctor, who later asked me to go for an abdominal scan. I refused to go for the scan because I had earlier spoken to my mother and sister who were both nurses and they told me it could be fibroid.
My brothers and sisters, this experience was very uncomfortable because during menstruation, I had to double my pads and change it at short intervals due to the clots and heavy bleeding.
The clots were big and jelly-like and felt just like miscarriage. I always got scared when a new month was approaching because of this experience.
I took it into prayer and asked the Lord to touch me. I believed and expected a miracle.
It had also been the routine that anytime the church is about to start fasting and prayers, I fell sick and started medication.
A day to the fasting and prayer, I realized I wasn’t feeling too well so at dawn, I woke up and prayed and asked the Lord to help me fast by putting a fast on me because I know the prophet had said that one cannot put a fast on himself or herself but it’s the Lord who puts a fast on us.
The Lord heard my prayer. I was able to fast the first day without water till after 3pm when I took in a little water. The Lord held me on till the end of the fast. Even there, the devil was fighting me through some vessels.
On the 2nd day of the fast, I continued praying and had faith that the Lord would surely heal me. On that day, the Pastor announced that some of the Church members asked permission to absent themselves or be late. He further said that the Lord sometimes needed just a few people to work with so we should trust Him. Before he made that comment, I felt that the Lord was going to perform a miracle on me. When we started praying, he anointed our foreheads and asked that we pray for the sick including ourselves. I took my problem into prayer and asked the Lord to visit me. I felt His presence on that day. I told my husband I felt lighter and my stomach had become small after the service.
After I got home in the evening, I realized I had started menstruating though it wasn’t yet time for my menstruation. This time the menstruation did not come with clots. It was normal. My stomach had become small and there was no movements in my stomach. I couldn’t keep the joy and like the woman of Samaria, I went to my mother to tell her my testimony and showed her my stomach, since she always complained about my stomach being big.
No wonder the prophet said when you go to Church, you always receive what you expect. I expected my healing and I got it. I know that the Lord is working on all the requests we have placed before Him if we truly pray under expectation. My stomach, as I write this testimony has become small. The pain in my stomach has stopped and now I can lie on my stomach. The movement in my stomach has vanished. And my menstruation is back to normal and even better.
I thank God for being there for me all the time, and raising a standard against my enemies.